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Différence entre le tennis de table et le ping pong

Differences between table tennis and ping pong

Differences between table tennis and ping pong

Don’t know the differences between table tennis and ping pong? Read on instead…

The words ping-pong and table tennis have been mistakenly used to refer to the same sport. Even today, the word “ping-pong” is still used to refer to table tennis. Here’s how to tell them apart.

Key Differences Between Table Tennis and Ping Pong

A bit of vocabulary…

First of all, “Table Tennis” is the official name of the sport recognized by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). It is widely used in international competitions. On the other hand, we historically use the term “Ping-pong” to designate the game that we practice in relaxed contexts or informal games.

Governing body

The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) governs table tennis internationally. Thus, it establishes the rules and regulations of official competitions. Table tennis, on the other hand, does not have a specific governing body especially at the international level.


Although the basic equipment used in table tennis and ping pong is the same (paddle, ball and table), there can be differences in the specifications and quality of the equipment. For example, table tennis equipment used in official competitions must meet specific standards set by the ITTF. These ensure consistent performance and fair play.


The rules of table tennis and ping pong are generally similar. However, there may be slight variations in terms of scoring systems, service rules and regulations specific to different settings or local variations of the game.

Competitive level

Table tennis is played at a highly competitive level in international tournaments, such as the Olympics, with professional players dedicated to the sport. On the other hand, we play ping-pong in a more relaxed way. In sum, it is not as prevalent in professional or organized competitive contexts.

Examples of differences

Table tennis

  • professional sports
  • The racket has coatings regulated by the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation).
  • The player must serve the ball according to ITTF rules.
  • It’s an indoor sport.
  • It is an Olympic discipline.
  • The winning score is 11 in a set.
  • There are five to seven sets in total.
  • We have a very high speed.
  • It is a technical sport.

ping pong

  • Recreational sports
  • The racket may have coating, sandpaper, cork, leather or other materials.
  • There are no specific rules for serving the ball.
  • It is an indoor and outdoor sport.
  • It is not an Olympic discipline.
  • The winning score can be 15 in a set or others.
  • Generally, there are three to five sets in total.
  • We have a moderate speed.
  • There is no technique.

In summary, the main differences between table tennis and ping pong are terminology, governing body, equipment specifications, and level of competitiveness.

Although the way of playing and the basic rules are similar, table tennis is the name of the international level sport, while ping pong is a more casual term. In short, it is more readily used for recreational or informal play.

Featured image: Image by fabrikasimf on Freepik
