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More power on the forehand in table tennis

Discover a simple technique to increase the power of the forehand.

Power on the forehand

If you want to generate more power on your table tennis forehand, here are some tips that can help:

body positioning

Make sure you have a good basic stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and the weight balanced on both legs. Your body should be turned slightly towards the table to allow you to transfer your weight effectively into the shot.

Grip of the table tennis racket

Adopt a firm but not too tight racquet grip. Experiment with different grips to find the one that works best for you in terms of comfort and control.

Preparation for the attack

Start a good preparation by keeping your racquet slightly back and bending your knees slightly. This will allow you to have a better range of motion and generate more power.

Body rotation

Engage your body in the kick by rotating your hips and shoulders. Use the strength of your torso to generate power. Be sure to keep a good coordination between the rotation of the body and the movement of the arm.

The use of the legs

Involve your legs in the shot by pushing them forward upon impact with the ball. This thrust helps shift your weight forward and increase the power of your forehand.

Timing and acceleration for power on the forehand

Work on the timing of the shot by hitting the ball at the peak of its bounce. Accelerate your arm and racquet at impact to maximize power.

Specific training

Regularly practice drills that focus on forehand power, such as strong topspins, flat strikes, or power drills with a partner or rebound table. This will allow you to build muscle strength and coordination for more powerful punches.

Physical reinforcement

Also work on your general physical strength by performing strength training, leg and core strengthening exercises. Better physical strength will help you generate more power in your shots.

Solid technique accompanies the power of the forehand

Remember to always strike a balance between power and control. It is important to have a solid technique and good precision to accompany your power. Practice regularly and be patient, as developing power on your forehand takes time and effort.

Featured image: Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
