Mamba Blades Co Tennis de Table

The perfect balance between nature and performance in table tennis.

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How to train a table tennis player

Discover a complete step-by-step training and coaching plan for your players.

Key steps to train a table tennis player

To train a table tennis player, here are some key steps to follow:

Initial assessment

Start by assessing the player’s current skills and abilities. This can include basic tests such as hitting accuracy, reaction speed, mobility, and coordination.

Development of a training plan

Based on the initial assessment, develop a personalized training plan for the player. Identify areas for improvement, set specific goals and establish a training schedule.

Technical fundamentals to train a table tennis player

Begin by teaching the technical fundamentals of table tennis, such as racquet grip, body position, balance, movement and coordination.

Work on the different strikes, such as forehand, backhand, block, topspin, chop, etc. Break each move down into simple steps and use repetitive drills to help the player develop the correct technique habits.

The service

Pay particular attention to teaching serves, as they are essential for getting the game started and putting the opponent under pressure. Train the player to master different types of serves, such as cut, side, topspin, fast and short serves. Also work on varying the spin, direction and length of serves to destabilize the opponent.

Physical training

Table tennis requires good physical condition. Build cardiovascular endurance by including aerobic exercises such as running, biking, or jumping rope.

Strengthen leg, core, and arm muscles with proper strength exercises. Improve responsiveness and movement speed with coordination and agility drills.

Tactical training

Work on the tactical understanding of the game. Teach the player different patterns of play, attack and defense strategies, rhythm variations, anticipation of opponent’s moves and quick decision making. Organize free play drills, practice matches and simulated game situations to practice tactical skills.

mental training

Table tennis is a sport that requires high mental concentration. Help the player develop concentration, self-confidence, stress management and mental resilience. Encourage him to visualize game situations, set goals and maintain a positive attitude during games.


Encourage the player to participate in regular competitions to gain real-world experience. Competitions provide an opportunity to test acquired skills, develop mental toughness and identify areas for improvement.

Be sure to provide feedback after each competition to help the player progress.

Video analysis

Use video recordings of training sessions and matches to analyze player performance. Identify strengths and weaknesses, technical errors and opportunities for improvement. Use these analyzes to adjust training and develop specific plans to strengthen the player’s weaknesses.

Follow-up and adjustment

Monitor the player’s progress regularly and adjust the training plan accordingly. Tailor training based on player progress and individual goals. Continue to provide encouragement and guidance to keep the player motivated and engaged.

Coaching a table tennis player

Training a table tennis player takes time, patience and perseverance. Be sure to create a positive, encouraging and challenging training environment to help the player reach their full potential.

Featured image : Image by Freepik
